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3-Month Soul Purpose Awakening & Integration Journey
During this 3-Month Empowerment Coaching and Mentoring Journey, Soul Supporter and Awakening Mentor Antonio Aversano will be your companion as you begin exploring, understanding, and integrating your Soul's Truth. During these 3 months we will together take a birds eye view of the big picture of your life and your Soul's journey; identify your core values, life purpose, and the ways your survival instincts might be sabotaging progress; and take tangible steps towards projects that fulfill your Soul Purpose and Highest Destiny!
Here is some of what to expect during your 3-Month Journey...
Who is this this 3-Month Coaching Integration Series designed for?
- Weekly Coaching Call for growing clarity, inspiration, and empowerment for your Soul!
- An Intuitive Oracle Soul Reading to gain insight and affirm the Truth that is already within you.
- Reveal the saboteurs: Bring a loving awareness to your inner saboteurs and survival instincts.
- A New Story ~ From Role to Soul - re-writing the story of your life to reflect your Soul's truth!
- Identify Your Star! Create a compelling Vision that is born from your Soul's Truth!
- Making it real: Putting language to and gaining clarity about on Your Specific Soul Purpose and Mission!
- Proven techniques and practices to support alignment with your Soul and Higher Guidance.
- Practical Steps in choosing and taking action from your Soul's truth in your life!
- Moving Into Balance: Where to say Yes and No in your life that supports living from your Soul.
- Celebration! Discovering new ways to celebrate the beauty of your Soul and your Life!
Who is this this 3-Month Coaching Integration Series designed for?
- If you are someone who has recently experienced what they consider to be an "awakening" or "transformational" experience and is seeking to understand and integrate that experience more deeply into your life.
- If you are someone who is currently or has recently experienced a life transition and during this transition time is finally ready to step into your Greatest Potential and answer the call of your Highest Destiny to help others and serve the world!
- If you are someone who is already working in a Social Service, Earth Service, or Body-Mind-Soul Service field and is ready to more fully understand your Soul's Truth and Highest Destiny for the sake of fully serving others and a "Possible Planet"!
- If you are someone who has experienced more than one awakening or transformation experience and is being Guided to once and for all go deeper into the meaning and purpose of your Soul and begin LIVING inspired and fulfilled.
- This coaching series would especially serve anyone who has just completed a personal growth workshop, training, or structured transformational experience such as a Breathwork Retreat, a Vision Quest experience, The Landmark Forum, a Shalom Retreat, Naka Ima, a Life Coaches training, a Reiki Initiation, or any similar experience where you feel you have pierced the veil of the illusion of your "role" and have awoken to the possibility of your Soul!
Begin your 3-Month Awakening Integration Journey now by clicking here
or clicking the Empowered Purchase button below!
The purpose and passion of your Highest Destiny is calling!
You deserve to bring the gift of your Soul to Life!
or clicking the Empowered Purchase button below!
The purpose and passion of your Highest Destiny is calling!
You deserve to bring the gift of your Soul to Life!
To inquire further about any of this offering or to schedule a free phone consultation with Antonio,
please email [email protected] or call 415-870-4114